MQC Community Developement Services


Vision and Mission...


The MQC Community Development Services with its exceptional services is committed in engaging our students in the different in-reach and outreach activities that serve as venues and opportunities for them to become socially responsible and good citizens of the country.


As an office, we are committed to do the following:

1. We enhance the social, political, economic, environmental awareness of our students through exposure and involvement in the different in-reach and out-reach activities.
2. We develop programs and initiate projects that answer the needs of our underprivileged students, especially the Aetas, who might be at risk of discrimination because of culture.
3. We encourage the spirit of volunteerism among our students, teaching and non-teaching employees.
4. We are dedicated to community service by sharing our time, talent and treasure in responding to the needs of the whole person (body, mind, spirit) in our school and other communities that are in dire need of help and assistance.
5. We foster climate of love, care, generosity, service, compassion and spirit of community to our stakeholders in thought, in word and deed.
6. We offer a range of services like educational, social, spiritual, and socio-economic to our less fortunate brothers and sisters.

The Community Development Office aims to assist and engage students in the awareness of their social responsibility. Its primary concern is to involve and provide venues for them to display the value of respect, compassion, service and generosity that would help them in their Integral Formation.


1. To provide venues for the students where they can be of service to other people by sharing their time, effort and talents.
2. To offer intensive assistance to the underprivileged students, particularly the Aeta scholars in their mental, social, spiritual development in order for them to become empowered students.
3. To extend services to its nearby community, different agencies and institutions by developing programs that will answer some of their needs.
4. To encourage the spirit of volunteerism among students, teaching and non-teaching for them to realize the value of social responsibility.
5. To provide training programs for the Community Development Volunteers in order for them to be fully aware of what and who a volunteer is.
6. To help the students in their Integral Formation by enhancing the awareness level of their social responsibility through exposure and through involvement with the different programs and activities.


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This is a blog for MQC students who would like to share their experiences in terms of community service. You are welcome to share your messages, thoughts and quotations. Likewise, pictures related to outreach projects can be posted. We also accept suggestions and recommendations.

VISION: The Mary the Queen College (MQC) Community Outreach with its exceptional services is committed in helping the students in their Integral Formation through the different programs that serve as venues for them to become socially responsible and good citizens of the country.



1. Tutorial Services (English, Math, Computer, etc.)

2. Education for the Out of School Youth

3. Computer Literacy

4. Feeding the Malnourished Children

5. Catechetical Activities

6. Clean-up Drive/Waste Management

7. Cooking Lessons

8. Basic Housekeeping

9. Basic Bookkeeping

10. Awareness on Good Governance

11. Apostolic Work for the Sick, the Elderly

12. Taize for the Youth

13. Relief Operations

14. Livelihood Programs

15. Visit to the Physically Handicapped Children

16. Educational Assistance to the Aeta scholars (food, transpo and projects)