MQC Community Developement Services


Umbrella Escorts for MQC...

Rainy season is here again...for the past week we have experienced showers and rains because of the typhoon Basyang. I was a witness of a number of students who gather themselves at the facade of MQC waiting for the rain to stop. Why? Many students do not have their umbrellas and so they were stranded. is now a high time for everyone to bring an umbrella...but who would like to bring an umbrella? Most of us hate to bring umbrellas because it is a hassle for us...and so, when a blazing rain comes, in the least of our expectations, we really do not know how we can go home.

Well, for MQC students, the Community Outreach will be escorting you now if in case you do not have an umbrella. Our scholars will serve as escorts and will help you cross the street and accompany you to your ride for you to go home... so that your parents will not worry about you.

With the umbrella escorts, you will find shelter under their will find yourself sharing an umbrella with them... an expression of love and care and a community life we have at MQC.

To all the different classes of the different Departments who will be donating umbrellas and who are one with us in this expression of sharing and caring, thank you so much. Let us embrace together the stormy weather as a family and as a community.


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This is a blog for MQC students who would like to share their experiences in terms of community service. You are welcome to share your messages, thoughts and quotations. Likewise, pictures related to outreach projects can be posted. We also accept suggestions and recommendations.

VISION: The Mary the Queen College (MQC) Community Outreach with its exceptional services is committed in helping the students in their Integral Formation through the different programs that serve as venues for them to become socially responsible and good citizens of the country.



1. Tutorial Services (English, Math, Computer, etc.)

2. Education for the Out of School Youth

3. Computer Literacy

4. Feeding the Malnourished Children

5. Catechetical Activities

6. Clean-up Drive/Waste Management

7. Cooking Lessons

8. Basic Housekeeping

9. Basic Bookkeeping

10. Awareness on Good Governance

11. Apostolic Work for the Sick, the Elderly

12. Taize for the Youth

13. Relief Operations

14. Livelihood Programs

15. Visit to the Physically Handicapped Children

16. Educational Assistance to the Aeta scholars (food, transpo and projects)